Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Merry Month of May

Lots of action in the Hill-Mulford connection this month. Tammy and I flew to Las Vegas for Ben and Emily's open house at the home of some of the Wright's dear friends. We thoroughly enjoyed the visit! We attended an endowment session in the Las Vegas temple and here is Tammy beaming before we entered that sacred place. This is the 21st temple in which we have performed an ordinance since we were married. We love the temple! By the way, Tammy was just called as couselor in the Primary Presidency.

Cam was a star in the Northridge Elementary art show. His teacher (pictured above) is Mrs. DeWitt and she speaks very highly of Cam's talent. Though he is only in third grade, she put his artwork in with the 4th-6th graders.

Maddy also was excited to display her rather abstract artwork as well. I believe it was purchased by the Museum of Modern Art for 4.3 milliion dollars (just kidding!)

Seth has really gotten excited about scouting, though this picture doesn't do a good job of portraying his enthusiasm. He already has eight merit badges and plans to get 10 more at Scout Camp next month, and he is not yet 12. I (Jeff) have been called to be Assistant Scoutmaster and Deacon's Quorum advisor so I will be with them! (I thought I was through with Scout Camp :)

Amanda's team wrapped up their lacrosse season by placing third in the state. As a sophomore she was named the defensive player of the year. She loves lacrosse!

Maddy's dance group performed at BYU and she was so coordinated and rhythmic. They had a fun group.

Jordan and Ryan are shown here demonstrating their talents in front of the temple. This summer Jordan is working 40 hours a week keeping up the Orem City Park on 8th West and 16th North and then in his spare time he is waiting tables at the Pizza Factory. He was also recently called to be the activities chairman for his student ward.
Ryan has been playing in lots of summer basketball leagues. He is so excited to take drivers ed, turn sixteen, get his license, and then go out on dates. He is great!

I wanted to show the rest of the Hills. Here are Jeff, Aaron, Sarah, and Abby on top of the "Y" in Provo when everyone was in town for the wedding.

Here I am smiling!

Cam participated in the Cub Scout Olympics and blew out everyone in push ups. On the average kids his age can do 14. He did 60! Watch the action!

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